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Ahad, 12 Ogos 2012

Diary of Traveler: The Origin of Sandakan's Name

Huhaaiiii (^0^)/

The entry this time will be about... SANDAKAN *claps*claps*. Hey, who have been to Sandakan town before? raised your hand. If not, here I wanted to story you a little bit about it. Sandakan located at the East of Sabah (Borneo), which also known as "The City of Nature". They got some of the tourism places to visit such as Sepilok Orang Utan Sanctuary, Probiscis Monkey Sanctuary, Sandakan Memorial Park and so on. Aside of those and the beautiful view when the dawn or sunset comes, do you know how Sandakan got its name? Its all credits to Cede Prodente Photography for the picture and also the admin of "Aku Lahir di Sabah. Aku Membesar di Sabah. Jadi, Kenapalah BAH." (hehehe....the same things have been told to me years ago too)... nyaaaannn~~ (^0^)

The Original post:::

Mengikut catatan Sejarah, nama Sandakan berasal daripada perkataan Sulu iaitu SANDAK bererti pajak gadai. Jadi pengertian keseluruhannya adalah "bandar yang di pajak gadai". Catatan sejarah mengenai bandar ini bermula pada abad ke-15 hinggalah kini. Bandar ini pernah dikuasai oleh Kesultanan Sulu dan di buka oleh suku kaum Taosug (Suluk), pedagang dari Austria, German dan Scotland. Ia menjadi bandar di bawah kuasa British sejak tahun 1879 hingga 1969 sebelum Sabah menyertai Malaysia. Zaman pemerintahan Jepun pada tahun 1942-1945 telah meninggalkan banyak peristiwa pahit di kalangan penduduk Sandakan terutamanya golongan peniaga bangsa Cina. Bandar Sandakan merupakan bandar yang cukup unik dengan tinggalan sejarahnya yang masih dikekalkan sehingga kini.

I am so sorry for writing those in Malay language only. I refuse to write in English, as I am still lack with some words like that "bandar yang dipajak gadai" (I will be in trouble if I made some mistakes and it is unforgiveable to tell the lies). To those who will sets their foots there in future, I wished you have a nice trip. =D

2 ulasan:

  1. hi there, I'm stumbled to this blog, which is we came from same place..haha..actually I google Beluran just want to know if there is any blogger from beluran..nice story you got here..keep it up!

  2. Hi. I just mention about ur comment. sorry so much coz Im late. This blog is about my life, as I sometimes being here to write what happened in my life to share my experiences. However, some of them are facts too. hahaha.. you're welcomed to my blog. :D
